You have start-up tech company or maybe just the Idea for one... now what? Radicle provides the fertilizer needed for growth. Get Started Let us help you grow into the business you are meant to be. TrainingReceive the training you need to successfully run your tech company! ConsultingConsulting specifically for tech companies tailored to your needs! ConnectionsEvents and networking for your business to grow and be seen by clients or investors! Shared ServicesNeed help selling, but can't afford a full resource? Learn more! Business BasicsBasic Knowledge of roles and functions needed for your business. Sustainable MVPLearn the importance (and definitions) of a minimum viable product. Client GPSGuidance in finding the right clients for your product. Go where your business can grow! Team DynamicsA guide to creating a team that works for your business. Sales and Pitch Decks Learn how to create a dynamic presentation. Tech FundingResources for capital to run your tech company.