Become a Sponsor

Through Mentorship

Radicle Seed Fund

Seed Fund Sponsorship

Thank you for your interest in sponsoring Radicle.  Your contribution helps our organization facilitate training, networking and interaction within the technology entrepreneurs in the Tulsa Area.  Our goal is to provide local Tech companies with resources to succeed. 

Radicle presents a unique opportunity to position Tech Companies product in front of early adopters, offer them services to high growth companies, develop relationships with talented developers, and form strategic partnerships with early stage technology firms. We offer custom programs like Tech ROOT & Radicle Convergence that will help Tech Companies get in touch with critical investors, fellow entrepreneurs, and social recognition.  Radicle offers hosted workshops and contests designed to help Tech Companies introduce their technology to an innovative and influential audience. 

Click on the Icon to make donation!

Sponsor Training
(ROOT Program $1000)
Sponsor Table
(Radicle Convergence $750)
Sponsor Tech Company
(Unlimited Amount $$)